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Pre-Acquisition Due Diligence

Valuing a business is not an exact science. The valuation process often involves comparing several different approaches and selecting either the best method, or a combination of methods, based on the analyst's knowledge and experience. In applying these methodologies to determine the value of a business, “Intangible Assets”, can be a huge point of contention between buyers and sellers, especially in areas such as SALES.
How much is the company REALLY worth?
Sales are the LIFE BLOOD of every company and many factors involving Sales can add (or detract) tremendously to the value of a business.

  • What is the True Value of the SALES PIPELINE?
  • Can you TRUST the Projections?
  • What is the True Value of the existing Customer Base?
  • How good is the organization’s existing Sales Force?
  • Are they truly capable of carrying out the strategies?
  • How good is the Sales Management?

Our Executive Summary and Management Overview offers a buyer comprehensive data and provide the information necessary to more accurately access the value of a company’s Forecast, Team, Pipeline and associated Sales Assets.

Post-Merger Sales Force Integration
The moment you announce a merger or acquisition, your competitors will look for opportunities to attack your vulnerabilities. Like sharks, they will likely smell blood in the water. Your customers and best talent will become targets. Your customers may be confused and concerned. Your sales force could easily lose focus, and many of your top revenue generators may start looking for new jobs with less uncertainty.

Post-Merger Companies ARE Vulnerable
Without a doubt, mergers and acquisitions can create a perilous time for those responsible for sales and revenue growth. There are dozens of factors that contribute to increases and decreases in Sales Costs (and Production) before, during, and (especially) after a new merger. Many of these seem apparent and are sometimes visible. Most of the ones with the largest effect can be completely hidden from view. An objective assessment of the newly merged organization can offer incredible value.

Post - Merger Factors That Contribute to Lost Revenues, Lost Customers, Lost Talent and Lost PROFITS:

  • Contrasting Sales Cultures & Organizational Misalignment
  • Contrasting Sales Models & Sales Approaches
  • Contrasting Sales Strategies & Sales Process
  • Unrealistic Forecasts based upon Subjective Optimism

Our Philosophy

STORM Method TM is a well vetted disciplined approach to sales management and selling in a proactive way. With it, you can leave the days of reactive management and selling behind to gain control of your organization’s success.

Contact Info

Phone: 609-240-1847
Address: 113 E The Orchard, Cranbury, NJ 08512

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STORM Method, STORM Planning, STORM Selling & STORM Watch © Copyright The Multi-Media Group LLC